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An tèid thu leam a Mhàiri?

An tèid thu leam a Mhàiri lurach?                    Will you go with me, dear Mary?

Falbh thu leam a Mhàiri lurach?                       Will you leave with me, dear Mary?

Tiugainn, tiugainn às seo buileach                    I know that we will be utterly cast out

Chan fhaod sinn fuireach chon a Bhàilidh                  We can’t wait for the Factor.

Tha mo cheann an dèidh lathadh                     My hair is gray

‘S mi còrr ‘s trì fichead bliadhna                       I am more than 60 years old

Saoil sibh pèin nach e tha cinanail                    Don’t you think it is shameful

I gam chur am bliadhn’ às m’àite                      That she is putting me out this year

An tèid thu leam a Mhàiri lurach?                    Will you go with me, dear Mary?

Falbh thu leam a Mhàiri lurach?                       Will you leave with me, dear Mary?

Tiugainn, tiugainn às seo buileach                    I know that we will be utterly cast out

Chan fhaod sinn fuireach chon a Bhàilidh                  We can’t wait for the Factor.

Thèid ar sgaphadh feadh na dùthcha                         We will be scattered all over the country

Mas gus sgaoilear ceò on fhùdar                      Like the smoke from the gunpowder

Nuair a thig na fir gar n-ionnsaigh                    When the men come to attack us

A’ maor ùr is Iain Tàilleir                                   The new warden is Iain the Tailor.

An tèid thu leam a Mhàiri lurach?                    Will you go with me, dear Mary?

Falbh thu leam a Mhàiri lurach?                       Will you leave with me, dear Mary?

Tiugainn, tiugainn às seo buileach                    I know that we will be utterly cast out

Chan fhaod sinn fuireach chon a Bhàilidh                  We can’t wait for the Factor.